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Client Testimonials

Nicole Reith

Financial Services

Since I have Barbara as my coach, my life has changed 180 degrees!


When I started working with Barbara, my inner and outer lives were in a state of chaos and deep sadness. Barbara put a mirror to my eyes, and through her unending patience and techniques, enabled me to recognize, reflect, and finally terminate my negative patterns and toxic relationships.   


Thanks to Barbara, I have realized what a wonderful person I am and how lucky I have been in my life. I have learned to love, value, and accept myself. I have also learned not to throw my pearls to the pigs, to surround myself with people who I truly like and who are good for me. I stay away from complicated relationships and have banned toxic people from my life. And the respect that I give others, I also demand from others as well.

And through my new self-love, I can now accept and love others as they are, which has enabled me to receive the love of my life ...!

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Angela Yeoh


Barbara is a coach I want to recommend to my friends because I have experienced so much success with her methods.

Why use a coach?

If you are looking to make changes in your life on one or multiple fronts, you may find that you are lacking in a clear direction, confidence, or simply the resolve to push through. You may be turning in circles. This often takes place in times of severe stress. That was my situation.

Why specifically Barbara as a coach?

Having tried several therapists and coaching, I found Barbara by far the most effective. It is quite difficult to explain the process in a few words. Her personality is such that she helps you to build the confidence to find your own answers naturally. This can happen quite rapidly. I was startled by how we often got to the heart of the matter in a manner I never achieved with orthodox treatment. I am still puzzled by it.

What were the objectives of the coaching?

I was in a state of burnout having run a restaurant for almost 10 years, so I had various big picture and day-to-day challenges, as well as long standing couple issues. I had been going to therapy since my early twenties to deal with baggage with my parents. I had tried several different careers with various levels of success and was facing another midlife crisis. I pretty much had a massive to do list on a personal, professional and psychiatric front.

What are the results?

I am not going to say my problems disappeared but in fact, I understood that my situation could change and it did.  I am ready to face mental blocks and act differently in front of old problems. This has led to success in my business and changes in my relations to others and myself. To give you some idea, I managed to solve a persistent staffing problem, find a work-life balance that I was struggling to do for years, and get a grip on my finances. On a personal front, I re-examined long-standing issues with my family and in my couple. I did this under Barbara’s guidance by going deeper into my relationship to self. At the moment I am finally moving out of my ex-husband’s apartment after being stuck in a sort of paralysis more than 10 years after separation. Many of these changes seemed impossible just a year ago.

How can you benefit?

I volunteered to write this recommendation after completing a pack of 20 sessions. You would probably be able to see results in a shorter period, but I stayed because I found that working with her was worth the investment of money and time. I also have some new objectives now.

I would recommend taking a test session as my explanation is brief and everyone has a different context. I am also happy to share my own perspective if you have specific questions. I am not solicited to do this and I am a busy person, but I feel that people could benefit. This is because her method is dealing with the heart of the problem inside you, not cosmetic patches. So, if you are hesitating, try it out.

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Daniela Sauter

Procurement Director

Barbara came into my life when everyhting was upside down and I had difficulties to find my direction for growth and happiness. I partnered with her to find my "me" and who I want to be - she is a great person and has the rights words at the right moment to allow you to rethink about you, your priorities and what do you want accept in your life.

I wish her a very happy 2023 and recommend her to anyone who wants to clean up in his life to shine for the future.

Thank you Barbara .

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Jennifer Bosshard

HR Officer

Barbara's profile on LinkedIn immediately resonated with me so I felt the urge to get in touch with her. Our first talk together already felt so magical and she immediately touched me with her powerful and courageous words. Working with her was the best investment I have ever made, not only because she helped me find my strengths, my purpose and "my truth" but also because she helped me to treat myself better and be a better coach for others.

Thank you so much Barbara for changing my life. You are a true inspiration and I will keep recommending you to anyone who wants to stop wasting time, become a master of their own life's and change their limiting beliefs.

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Anine Ekelund

Empowerment Coach

Feelings and emotions are great and healthy parts of being a human. Especially when these feelings support and lift us. Old, unprocessed emotions however, are limiting and hold us back from living our purpose and potential. 

Barbara is exceptionally talented at helping people access old wounds and transform them into strength. 

I am deeply grateful to Barbara who helped me access and process my old wounds and emotions. Due to the work I did with her, I am today feeling emotionally much freer and stronger

From the bottom of my heart thank you Barbara!

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Tim Emens

Business Development

Barbara not only helps women but also men to find paths to a happier life - both privately and professionally. 

I worked with Barbara to find tactics and strategies to improve on the current state . Everything started with finding the route cause of the problems in hand and she has many techniques to help do this. 

Honestly, I recommend Barbara to anyone who values the importance of investing in their well being - as the outcome will surely be positive... as it was in my case !

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Cindy Wanger

Pharma Industry

I believe it is rare to find a coach that manages in such an agreable and fun way to cause in you a complete change of your inside and your outside world in only six months. For Barbara this is however really true. 

I found my way back to my true self. I know and feel today what my true value is, what my values are and how to stay true to them. 

With the discovery and realization of childhood patterns and early adult patterns, Barbara made me understand and change my daily actions. 

Today I feel grateful, strong and confident and this changed the management of certain situations in business and private life completely. 

I look forward to the further changes and developments together with her. Thank you, Barbara, for being "kick-ass" with me!

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Eugénie Montero

Coach for children/adolescents

Je recommande vivement les services de Barbara pour toutes les femmes qui souhaitent "cesser d'être gentilles pour être vraies", sincères et à l'écoute d'elles-mêmes. 

Grâce à la douceur mêlée à la détermination bienveillante, Barbara a su m'accompagner vers le respect de moi-même, de mes valeurs et mes désirs de femme accomplie, bien dans sa tête et dans son corps. 

Je souhaite remercier Barbara pour son grand humour, sa bienveillance, son écoute, sa grande disponibilité et flexibilité. Contactez-la sans hésiter. 

Elle saura vous guider vers votre vrai moi en toute simplicité et générosité du coeur.

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Dina Pataki

Perinatal Coach

Barbara is an amazing coach! 

She has a very distinct way of doing coaching/therapy, she helps you stay focused on what you're trying to achieve during the session, so you drill deep down to the source of the discomfort

I had only one session with her, but it was highly insightful, relieving and uplifting. As Barbara says, "the truth will set you free" and so it does.

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Réka Fogarasi


I highly recommend Barbara for anybody who wants to make changes in their lives! 

Barbara helps you reframe past events that are very likely blocking your present self. 

She takes the best out of you, helps you find your voice and teach you how to set boundaries.  

If you are ready to get out of your comfort zone and find yourself, Barbara is the one. Thank you Barbara for helping me bravely pursue my passion!

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Isa Puzon

Pharma Industry

Working with Barbara is one of the best decisions I have made in my life!


Getting a coach meant I value myself as much as I value my loved ones and others around me. I finally looked after myself as to how I usually take care of others. It helped me discover my worth and reconnect with my truth. Now I am more confident and a step away from doing what I am passionate about!


Thanks so much for your generosity, Barbara! You are generous not only with your knowledge and wisdom, but also with your heart!

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Gabri Cebu


I'm Gabri, 25 years old and I worked with Barbara on trust issues and an inferiority complex .  Before working with Barbara, I was afraid and I felt like I was unable to move forward and couldn't see my way anymore.


After only one session my heart was filled with joy, peace and freedom!! I got direction. I finally understood why I reacted the way I did and what the problem really was. Now I know how I want to be treated by a man and my worth as a person! 


Thank you so much, Barbara ! I'm so grateful I could have a session with you ! You are an amazing person with a smile full or warmth. At times, I  almost felt like you were in the room with me and the positive enery was ike a protective embrace. Thank you for your time and for helping me ! 

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Kristina Goncharenko


Barbara is a great coach with a lot of experience in working with women in business.

Barbara supported me in improving my negotiation skills, getting on a good track for a business strategy and developing self-confidence. Thanks to Barbara's coaching I could not only boost my professional development, but my private life as well.


Barbara gives an incredible amount of positive energy that makes you feel like you have all power in the world! I will highly recommend Barbara as a coach for anyone who is looking for improving their private and professional life.

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Sadaf Ghous

HR Practitioner

I worked with Barbara on several issues I was facing, mostly related with a toxic past. We worked on several blockages that were truly limiting and on issues related to confidence and relationships.


Since our first session, I felt a big difference and I pursued the whole program in a very supportive environment. She has a deep understanding of the problems women can face when trying to regain their inner power, may it be related to their personal or professional lives, and that made our relationship even more pleasant.


Sincere thanks to her for her amazing energy, her brilliant positive attitude and all the support she has given me throughout the process. I highly recommend her to anyone who wants to start a life on their own terms and need help changing their limiting beliefs and gaining more confidence.

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Naomi Kaempfer

Creative Director

Barbara is a bright, intelligent and insightful coach. Her methods, her warm latino excitement and her incredible sensitivity accompany a sharp analytical ability that diligently uproots the hidden and invisible beliefs that hold people from progressing.


A truly remarkable coach and a beautiful person.

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Daly Cantohe

Business Development

Bárbara es una excelente profesional y un ser humano extraordinario. Durante algunos meses en el 2019, Barbara trabajó conmigo en sesiones de life coaching privado. En éste periodo, trabajamos en mis emociones y mis objetivos a corto, mediano y largo plazo.


Hoy por hoy, y habiendo hecho mucho avance en los objetivos propuestos, solo puedo agradecer a Bárbara por su apoyo y su profesionalismo. Su capacidad de escucha y empatía fueron fundamentales en nuestros intercambios. Su positivismo es contagioso y su energía, definitivamente me ayudaron a continuar hacia mis objetivos de una manera determinada y con entusiasmo. Puedo absolutamente recomendar a Barbara como Life Coach por los resultados encontrados y por el cambio que desarrollé en los meses que trabajamos juntas.

Gracias Barbara por tu apoyo y por ayudarme a encontrar de nuevo esas metas, pero más que todo, a trabajar en ellas. ​

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Maribel Parmigiani

HR Executive

Barbara and I met three years ago while attending to a public coaching session led by her on how to find love. Since the beginning I was impressed by her level of positive energy, her great communication skills and her extraordinary capacity of building up concrete, simple and impactful action plans to bring change in life. These are the reasons why I chose Barbara as life coach.

My expectations have been surpassed! I found a compassionate, empathic, strong woman giving me tools to change my life and turn stress into renewed confidence. Barbara instilled great changes and love for life in each session.


She is a great listener and committed coach. I really thank her for this amazing coaching journey that we did together and highly recommend her to everyone!

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Denisse Salas

Information Technology

Tuve a Bárbara como coach personal por 3 meses. En esos 3 meses, Bárbara me ayudó a descubrir la mujer valiente que estaba dormida, que en algún momento se quedó en el camino. Me enseñó a tomar control de las cosas, de los problemas, y también a perdonarme por las cosas que habían pasado en mi juventud y a aceptarlas. También me ayudó a salir de la zona de confort para lograr mis objetivos.


Así que le doy un gran abrazo y un beso y le doy muchísimas gracias por haberme ayudado en mi camino.

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Ann-Marie Mendes


Who coaches the coach? I had reached a point in my life where my entire personal and professional life had been spent supporting and coaching others. Additionally, I had reached a level of such negative self- talk that I could hardly speak about it.


Through working with Barbara as my coach, I was able to understand where this state of mind had come from, why I had enabled others to treat me in a way that I did not deserve and, more importantly, how to equip myself with the strategies to empower myself and break the chain.


Barbara’s coaching style is both gentle and uncompromising, not allowing me to hide behind my own timidity but always compassionate regarding the pain that was sometimes unearthed. She not only asks excellent questions but questions the answers she receives.


Her emotional intelligence allowed me the space and confidence to really explore what was going on and I was challenged in a supportive way to decide what it was I needed to do differently. My journey from A to here has been enlightening and at times difficult, but there is a real sense of relief and release in fully understanding why things happen and how to make the change.


I know I could not have achieved the clarity I needed without Barbara’s coaching and would unreservedly recommend her.

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Penny Singato

Training and Coaching

I have know Barbara since a decade ago when I was taking up coaching sometime in 2008. She was my spiritual coach. At that time, I felt "lost" and there was definitely something lacking in my life. I couldn't really pinpoint what was lacking.


Through Barbara's coaching, she was able to help me discover what was lacking in my life: my spirituality. I searched to find my way and Barbara was always there to help.


Oh, and I did find my way! I am found my Community and my life has never been better. My faith is much stronger now that ever! Barbara is a wonderful coach and I'd love to work with her again!

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Anne Metais

Digital Marketing

Barbara a un veritable don pour aller chercher en nous les réponses:

Elle écoute, elle encourage, elle challenge (beaucoup, et fait sortir la verité), elle pousse à sortir des croyances qui sont ancrées en nous et à nous en créer de nouvelles, en accord avec nos désirs les plus chers.

Ce coaching est une veritable bouffée d’air frais, qui m’a permis de prendre conscience de mes valeurs, d’être complètement à l’écoute de mes désirs – que je faisais toujours passer en dernier.

Merci Barbara pour ton soutien, tes rires, ton analyse, tes questions, la force de ton experience et tes petits exercices qui permettent de s’ancrer dans la réalité.

Ce coaching est un veritable investissement sur soi, pour toute la vie !

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Career Muriel

Social Media Manager

What to expect when working with Barbara ?

- Being called out on your BS
- Facing uncomfortable truths
- Solution-oriented guidance
- Working on establishing sustainable emotional discipline no matter your circumstances
- Loads of empathy & encouragement
- A partner in ‘crime’
- Inner change
- Getting unstuck
- Support to make changes in your life
- Spiritual guidance (if you are religious or not is irrelevant, Barbara adapts)
- The courage to start putting yourself first and set healthy boundaries

Barbara clearly provided that guidance, support and challenging voice I needed at my side to be my own. So I could see life as a wonderful adventure again, do the work and embrace the change I wanted to see. As the client you are in the driver seat, so you get out what you put in. Thank you mucho, Barbara !

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Teodora Ducariu

Music teacher

Barbara is lovely - both as a coach and as person. Her teaching are very natural and intuitive, which makes working with her  feel very comfortable.


The different ways in which Barbara approaches things, made my whole coaching year an interesting and shifting journey back to my real self, manifesting considerate positive changes in all fields of my life.


I strongly recommend Barbara and her powerful positive energy!

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Jacqueline Rosset

Executive Assistant

Ma rencontre avec Barbara a été magique et très importante dans ma vie. Barbara m'a fait prendre conscience de ma valeur, délabrée après m’avoir séparé de mon conjoint.

J'ai retrouvé l’estime de moi, et repris confiance en moi. Et surtout, mon attitude envers les hommes a totalement changé! La vie me sourit à nouveau. Merci Barbara pour cette aide précieuse, ton amour pour les femmes, la finesse de ton analyse, et ton amitié précieuse.

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Sunday Marbach

Life Coach

Barbara is an amazing coach!

I was always amazed how she taught me to recognize my limiting beliefs and thought patterns. She has helped me gain more clarity for what I want and moving towards the desired results. The time we worked together, I started seeing changes. This brought a lot of joy and rest in my life. I definitely recommend Barbara and her skills.


Today I know, everyone needs a coach!

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Chiara Catti

Legal Counsel

Barbara has a contagious energy and smile and she is very good to keep you motivated throughout your 'journey'. At the beginning I was worried that with my busy life I could not be able to keep up with the commitment and I have to admit that I was initially skeptical about some exercises which my rational mind seemed to resist but I had to reconsider.


It is amazing how few simple exercises and repetition can work miracles and allow deep change!

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Amparo Cisneros

Yoga Teacher

Barbara helped me tremendously in difficult moments. Her advice, support and motivation gave me the strength to escape the prison of a toxic relationship which had no solution, and become free and allow the love of my life to come into my life!


Barbara is a great professional and a lovely person as well.

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Ingrid Roth

Home Maker

Having Barbara as a coach has transformed my life. I am very grateful that our paths crossed and to have learned so much from her.

Barbara could discern very quickly the causes and emotions that were hurting me tremendously and which did not allow me to grow and which were actually boycotting my happiness and my personal growth.


Her enthusiasm and warmth are very attractive and contagious.  I have learned to laugh and enjoy life more, despite adversities or difficult moments and I am now able to lift myself up quickly and not stay stuck in toxic emotions. Thank you so much, Barbara!

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Fanny Rutz


Thank you so much, Barbara, for all your great teachings and for your spot-on advice!


You are an excellent professional and wonderful motivator. Your guidance has enabled me to embark on amazing professional projects for my life, from start to finish.


And on a personal level, I have even found the love of my life!!! A huge thank you to you!

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Colette Maat

Fitness Coach

Having Barbara as my Emotional Coach, brought me emotional freedom beyond what I imagined possible. 


Unafraid of shining a spotlight on the truth behind my emotional and behavioural patterns which kept me weighted down and stagnant, Barbara's embrace of nurturing guidance provided a safe and secure place within which to work through and beyond my fears and insecurities, empowering and strengthening my feminine self to shine through and move forwards with a sense of pride and with a newfound love for myself.  Everyone needs a Barbara in their lives!


I am forever grateful and honoured to have been blessed with her skills as a coach and her friendship... 

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Carmenza Schaerer

Real Estate

I thank God for Barbara's life, who through her expertise in relationships, helped me to completely turn around my marriage - from utter chaos to a beautiful, loving partnership.


My self-esteem was non-existent when I met her, and I have learned to love myself as a human being and as a precious woman that I am.


I can now love and respect myself and also to command respect from others... and so much more!!


If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Nicole Albani


J'enseigne le français aux enfants Suisses de 8 a 12 ans, et au début c’était un grand bonheur. Cependant, cette joie c'est très vite transformée en cauchemar, car je suis confrontée à un sérieux problème de discipline en classe. Je ne réussis pas à tenir mes enfants et donc mon directeur commence à douter de moi et de mes compétences de maîtresse.  


Barbara, ô chère Barbara, comme tu m'as aidée! Nous avons démêlé la pelote, tour après tour. Tes questions justes m'ont permis de trouver mes réponses. Tu m'as guidée vers ce nÅ“ud dont je ne connaissais même pas l'existence. Ta pédagogie m'a dirigée et j'ai moi-même trouvé les différents moyens d'arriver à maîtriser ma classe.  


Je n'avais rien dit de cette séance à mon directeur et il m'a dit qu'il m'avait trouvé changée! Et donc je lui donne maintenant entière satisfaction! Depuis, je me sens bien, épanouie, réalisée.


Ton aiguillage est un mélange d’expérience, intelligence, et d'humanité. Merci, Barbara. Merci, mon amie. 

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Nelly Claure

Professional Services

Dear Barbara, you are like a precious and rare pearl! Thank you for teaching me to believe in myself and to value myself as a woman!! And also to command respect from everyone!!


You have helped me greatly to overcome the low self-esteem that I had and to come out of that hole where I found myself feeling ugly and worthless.


With your help now I know that I am a beautiful woman, worthy of respect, love and value!! Through your example, I have learned to smile even through life's difficulties and to value and appreciate my life, and live each moment with love, dignity, self-respect and also respect for others!! A big thank you with lots of love, God's precious pearl!

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Melba Trauffer

Art Gallery

Barbara is an excellent coach, very professional, with an incredible ability to help those in need, with a very modern and effective dynamic. It has been a wonderful experience.


She helped me greatly to believe more in myself and to get out of a toxic relationship. Thank you, Barbara. You are magical!

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Patricia Bello

Graphics Designer

Thank you, Barbara, for your positivity and your ability to help others.


You have helped me so much to discover God's will for my life and to value and love myself, to stand firm in my decisions and to move forward to a better future.


Thank you for teaching me to develop the necessary authority with my children, and also with people in general. I especially love that your great advice and wisdom have always been God-driven.


Thank you for everything that you have done for me!

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:


Pharma Industry

Barbara is who you want in your corner in the boxing ring that is life.


She encourages you, recommends techniques that you never would've considered, and reminds you of good things that you have may forgotten - all so that you can love the current you and be the best future you.

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Jade Goh


Barbara coached me on my professional life. I needed to get out of a procrastination state and to have her hold me accountable to my commitments. Thanks to my work with her, I achieved my goals!


She is understanding, supportive, nurturing and knows how to shift my perspectives so I may reflect and see the needed change in me to reach the change and success I want to achieve. She also reminded me of the importance of simplicity and structure.


Thank you Barbara for your support. I would highly recommend her to anyone who needs her coaching services.

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

Noelvis Puga


For individuals who need help at the spiritual, personal and professional development levels, I can wholeheartedly recommend Barbara.

She was an amazing support and taught me to see my "mistakes" as blessings in disguise and my "problems" as exciting challenges in my life.

I absolutely loved her work, done with so much patience, understanding and responsability.

One of the things that I will never forget is that EVERY single problem that you face has a solution and I just need to be strong and determined to solve it, resting always on the gracious help of an almighty God.

If you would love your own transformation, book a free, discovery session with me here:

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